
4-step modeling

RSG is a nationally recognized expert in the application of 4-step models to produce realistic, defensible forecasts of traffic, ridership, trucks and bicycles that guide critical long-range infrastructure investments and planning efforts. We take pride in calibrating and validating travel models along multiple dimensions well beyond a basic comparison to daily traffic counts. Our models produce realistic speeds, trip lengths, path choices and trip distribution patterns, along with realistic volumes.

Since our founding, we have been devoted to advancing forecasting models and we continue to develop and improve 4-step modeling methods. We have enhanced 4-step models to consider pricing, freight, non-motorized, transit, and demand and system management strategies. RSG has also pioneered the use of genetic algorithms to improve the final validation of the 4-step modeling process. We apply TransCAD, CUBE, EMME and VISUM extensively to implement 4-step models for agencies throughout the United States.

Decision-makers at all levels rely on us to develop and apply accurate, insightful transportation models to understand transportation and land-use interactions and to identify transportation supply-and-demand alternatives. For one state DOT, we are currently developing a standard statewide framework that can be shared by all MPOs within the state.

Guidelines for Selecting Travel Forecasting Methods and Techniques

There is an ever-evolving set of methods and tools to choose from when developing travel forecasting models to inform planning and policy decisions. However,

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Ohio Medium/Small MPO Model Update

The Ohio Medium/Small MPO Model System (OMS) was developed 10 years ago to provide a standard enhanced four step modeling framework for eight of

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Model Improvement Program – Freight Forecasting

RSG developed valley-wide and county-level goods movement model improvements for the eight San Joaquin Valley county agencies as part of the San Joaquin Valley

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South Bend Indiana Model Update

The Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG) hired RSG to develop an integrated travel model system that combines elements of advanced activity-based travel demand

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Utah Statewide Freight Model

Utah serves as an essential hub in the distribution of goods and services to the Western United States. The current large volume of statewide

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Interstate-81 Corridor Study

Segments of Interstate I-81 in Syracuse, New York, are nearing the end of their structural lifespan; particularly the most heavily traveled elevated sections through

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Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) Program Support and Outreach

The Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) is a program within the FHWA Office of Planning that conducts research, provides technical assistance, and delivers training

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Transit On-Call Travel Forecasting

RSG is currently on retainer with UTA to provide specialized travel forecasting support on an as-needed basis as UTA plans and expands its transit

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