RSG Director Dana Lodico, PE, INCE Bd. Cert. and RSG Analyst Emma Butterfield will present at the 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) in Denver, Colorado.
Dana will present findings from a paper she coauthored with RSG colleagues. The paper, titled “Field validation of octave band sound modeling for wind turbines,” describes preconstruction and postconstruction attended sound modeling conducted at Sugar Creek Wind Project, a 57-turbine wind farm in Logan County, Illinois, with a capacity of up to 202 megawatts.
Emma will also present findings from a paper she coauthored with RSG colleagues. The paper, titled “Attended sound monitoring of wind turbines,” describes the challenges of attended octave
band sound measurements made at 38 sites in the vicinity of wind turbines in Illinois in September, October, and November of 2021.
Both Dana and Emma provide noise control engineering services for RSG's clients.
Who? Dana Lodico, PE, INCE Bd. Cert., Director & Emma Butterfield, Analyst (RSG)
What? 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Where and When? The ASA meeting is being held in Denver, Colorado. Dana is presenting during a session on Tuesday, May 24 from 10:20 a.m. to 10:35 a.m. MT. Emma is presenting during the same session on Tuesday, May 24 from 10:35 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. MT.