
Quantitative data collection & synthesis

To support our signature modeling and analytics, RSG has developed innovative methods to collect and synthesize data on the behavior of individuals and the systems with which they interact. We understand that analysis and decisions are only as good as the underlying data. Therefore, RSG employs the most appropriate data collection and analysis tools for each project. These methods and tools include: RSG’s proprietary cloud-based survey platform which applies a rigorous software engineering approach to survey programming and enables fully customizable and sophisticated online and mobile device survey instruments; traffic and location-based data collection using GPS, Bluetooth detection, and transponder data; systems and environmental data logging; and “big-data” synthesis. RSG often works with online sample providers, clients’ customer lists and local organizations, and coordinates intercept locations to recruit participants. We also develop and manage longitudinal panels to collect data from the same group of people over time.

Traveler Behavior Longitudinal Panel

As a complement to the Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative Demonstration projects that are being funded by U.S. DOT, the Volpe Center and RSG

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Impact of Road Pricing on Traveler Behavior

RSG conducted a study with the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) to measure changes in travel behavior in response to road pricing

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Housing Choice Voucher Admin Fee Study

In partnership with Abt Associates, RSG completed a multi-year research effort for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development

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International Vehicle Choice Segmentation for New Market Entry

A major auto components manufacturer wanted to introduce a successful product from one geographic market into another where it was a relative unknown. They

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Bus Rapid Transit Focus Groups and MaxDiff Surveys

Over the past four years, RSG has worked in partnership with New Jersey Transit (NJ TRANSIT) on four studies to quantify preferences for Bus

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Transit Origin-Destination Study

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) wanted to conduct a system-wide origin-destination study to better understand their transit markets, as well as to collect

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Northeast Corridor Automobile Origin-Destination Study

Historically, there have been significant gaps in transportation data for intercity auto travel in the Northeast Corridor (NEC). These gaps have limited the understanding

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Transportation Implementation Plan and Environmental Assessment

Bandelier National Monument (BAND) has a history of transportation and congestion management issues during peak visitation periods, including traffic congestion at the Monument entrance

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Loyalty Program Design

A leading online travel agency came to RSG after successfully growing an extensive customer base, but finding that customer share of wallet and retention

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Credit Card Development

A leading credit card issuer wanted to optimize the messaging strategy for its value card portfolio by understanding the hierarchy of key features for

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Visitor Use and Safety in the Happy Isles Trail Corridor

Yosemite National Park accommodates nearly 4 million visitors annually, and the Happy Isles Trail Corridor is among the most popular hiking areas in the

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Co-branded Credit Card Portfolio Design

A major bank and commercial airline wanted to take advantage of unmet customer needs for higher-end benefits as part of a portfolio of co-branded

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