
Activity-based modeling

RSG, in partnership with John Bowman, has pioneered one of the most frequently-used activity-based modeling frameworks in the U.S. With 18 activity-based models across the country, RSG has developed, calibrated, validated and forecasted passenger travel using daily simulated activity patterns. RSG helps clients design activity-based models to address transportation policies of interest and then implement these models to evaluate performance of the transportation system. Activity-based models are dynamic and flexible, giving clients and RSG the ability to update these models with additional features of interest for years to come.

RSG has also engaged in federal research related to activity-based modeling, including leading the recent TMIP webinar series on activity-based models, participating in the FHWA study on transferability of activity-based models, and participating in the NCHRP 8-78 study on activity modeling for pedestrian and bicycle travel. RSG is also developing a long-distance passenger travel modeling framework based on activity-based modeling principles as part of an exploratory federal research project.

Guidelines for Selecting Travel Forecasting Methods and Techniques

There is an ever-evolving set of methods and tools to choose from when developing travel forecasting models to inform planning and policy decisions. However,

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Model Integration

SANDAG has developed an extensive suite of analytic tools, including regional economic and demographic forecasting models, a land-use model, an activity-based travel demand model,

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Active Transportation Model Enhancements

RSG is leading a team making active transportation related enhancements to SANDAG’s activity-based model system. These enhancements include the development of a bicycle route

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Arizona State University Travel Diary Survey

RSG conducted a one-day travel diary survey in collaboration with Arizona State University (ASU) for the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG). ASU is one

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Long Distance Passenger Travel Demand Modeling Framework

RSG led a team of academics (from University of Texas at Austin, Arizona State University, Auburn University, and University of Leeds) to develop a

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South Bend Indiana Model Update

The Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG) hired RSG to develop an integrated travel model system that combines elements of advanced activity-based travel demand

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Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) Program Support and Outreach

The Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) is a program within the FHWA Office of Planning that conducts research, provides technical assistance, and delivers training

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Integrated Activity-based Model with a Time-sensitive Network

RSG developed an integrated travel model system that combines an advanced activity-based travel demand model with a detailed time-sensitive network assignment model. This model

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