Analysis, insights, and decisions are only as good as the underlying data. RSG has developed and deploys innovative survey methods to collect and synthesize data on the perceptions and behavior of individuals and the systems with which they interact. This includes surveys on origin-destination (OD) patterns, product and service preferences, household travel diaries, visitor experience, and customer satisfaction.
Our survey data is collected through our proprietary online survey platform and industry-leading location-aware mobile app, rMove™. Both platforms apply a rigorous software engineering approach to survey programming and enable fully customizable and sophisticated data collection.
We often work with online sample providers, clients’ customer lists and local organizations, and manage intercept locations to recruit participants. We also develop and manage longitudinal panels to collect data from the same group of people over time.
RSG’s survey data is often blended with other data sources like Bluetooth detection; transponder data; systems and environmental data logging; and passive mobility “big-data” to efficiently create meaningful datasets and insights.
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