
Case Study

Integrated Activity-based Model with a Time-sensitive Network

National Academies - TRB: SHRP2 C10

RSG developed an integrated travel model system that combines an advanced activity-based travel demand model with a detailed time-sensitive network assignment model. This model system more accurately captures the dynamic interplay between traveler behavior and network conditions, and allows planning organizations to build more accurate models. These models will enhance the decision making process around…

Case Study

Simplified Trips on Projects Software (STOPS)

Federal Transit Administration

The fixed guideway transit New Starts program is one of the largest discretionary grant programs offered by the United States government. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has recently streamlined the application process to allow local agencies to more quickly assemble the information necessary to support FTA’s evaluation of each proposed project and its eligibility for…

Case Study

Anaheim Rapid Connection Ridership Forecasts

City of Anaheim

The City of Anaheim, in cooperation with the Orange County Transportation Authority, is working to improve passenger access to the Metrolink system. The city has proposed a fixed guideway transit line between the future Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC), the Platinum Triangle, the Anaheim Resort and the Anaheim Convention Center as part of this…