
RSG Director published in Noise Control Engineering Journal

RSG Director Dana Lodico, PE, INCE Bd. Cert. recently coauthored an article that was published in the latest issue of the Noise Control Engineering Journal. The article, titled “Acoustical longevity and durability of pavements,” examined findings from four long-term pavement studies to determine how quieter pavements held up over time when compared to their more rigid counterparts. The long-term studies reviewed by Dana and her coauthor looked at pavements in Arizona and California. Their paper concluded that quieter pavements, which experience some noise level increase over time due to wear, continued to offer noise reduction benefits years later when compared to some rigid pavements. This paper adds to a growing body of research that will help US regulatory agencies assess the feasibility and practicality of employing quieter pavement technologies as one method to help reduce overall vehicle noise levels from our nation's roadways.

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