With funding from FHWA, RSG worked with the UVM’s Transportation Research Center to design and construct a customized ESRI ArcGIS software extension that calculated net greenhouse gas emissions from changes in regional travel demand and land use changes (deforestation from development). Inputs included transportation networks, employment and housing allocation, and rasterized land cover data. The…
RSG, in cooperation with Northeast Wind, Inc. (NEWind) and Epsilon Associates, Inc. (Epsilon), is working with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and the Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to understand the special factors related to the prediction and measurement of wind turbine noise. The project team is working to develop a comprehensive data collection…
Along with key partners, RSG developed the first generation web-based UPlan software for the Utah Department of Transportation. The UPlan system was designed to facilitate information sharing within an agency, between agencies, and between other stakeholders. The system hosts hundreds of GIS layers, data sets, and project documents including proposed project alignments, environmental constraints, demographic…
The Ohio Medium/Small MPO Model System (OMS) was developed 10 years ago to provide a standard enhanced four step modeling framework for eight of Ohio’s smaller MPO areas. As part of the 2010 model update, a number of improvements are being made to the system. ODOT’s goal is to move their small/medium sized models towards…
RSG designed and implemented a statewide household travel diary study for the six major planning agencies across Utah. The work included a one-day travel diary completed by more than 9,100 households across the state, a panelized long-distance travel household diary, an in-depth attitudinal question survey customized by metropolitan planning organization (MPO)/region, and a detailed bike…
Utah serves as an essential hub in the distribution of goods and services to the Western United States. The current large volume of statewide freight traffic raised the need for the development of a freight demand model that could forecast the impact of continually increasing freight traffic on major highways in the State. In 2011-2012,…
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is evaluating the potential for implementing congestion pricing along the Turnpike System. The Integrated Congestion Pricing Plan (ICPP) is a multi-year, multi-phase project that will determine where, when, and how congestion pricing can be used on the Turnpike to improve mobility. The study also explores…
In response to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) release of new Uniform Criteria for State Observational Surveys of Seatbelt Use, Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) sought to revise and update its study and data collection protocols for their annual state survey estimating occupant-restraint use in passenger vehicles. RSG used the Uniform Criteria laid…
The State of Vermont was interested in increasing visitation and tourism dollars for the state. Through an in-depth quantitative study, RSG teamed with the state’s Chief Marketing Officer to gain insights from Vermont vacationers, along with residents and major business in the state, to improve the state’s brand marketing. RSG used several advanced research techniques…
The US-2 / US-7 corridor, near the I-89 Exit 16 interchange in Colchester, VT, is a key commuting arterial that connects Burlington, Winooski, and Essex Junction to points north. Over the last few decades, significant new development has combined with existing pressures to create excessive intersection congestion during peak hours throughout the corridor. As a…
To reduce both petroleum dependence and the social cost of transportation in the state, California has advocated a strategy of promoting alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. The California Energy Commission (CEC) developed a model called DynaSim to predict the potential demand for alternative fuel vehicles and to forecast future transportation energy consumption in California…
Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) established the I-89 Exit 12B Alignment Study to examine alternative alignments for a new interchange along Interstate 89 in South Burlington, Vermont. Beyond supporting economic development and employment growth in the Chittenden County metropolitan core, the new interchange was identified for study to provide: Local and regional mobility and…