05.15.2023 - 05.18.2023


Several RSGers will present on noise control engineering topics during the NOISE-CON 2023 Conference from May 15-18, 2023, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Emma Butterfield's presentation, “Construction Noise Modeling for Solar Projects,” will explore the challenges of modeling construction noise for large solar projects and discuss various scenarios for worst-case predictions.

Ken Kaliski and co-author Hugo Rost will present “Background Sound Levels in Rural Areas of the US,” which will provide a collection of ambient sound level data for over 150 rural locations in the northeastern and midwestern United States, supplementing existing standards.

Dana Lodico's presentation, “Noise Modeling of Short Safety Barriers in FHWA's Updated Traffic Noise Model (TNM) Version 3.1,” will compare modeling methods for calculating the performance of short safety barriers in reducing traffic noise using the newest FHWA TNM version.


Ken Kaliski, PE, QEP, INCE Bd. Cert., Principal (RSG); Dana Lodico, PE, INCE Bd. Cert., Senior Director (RSG); Emma Butterfield, Senior Analyst (RSG); Hugo Rost, Analyst (RSG)


Presentations during the NOISE-CON 2023 Conference

Where and When?

The presentations will be given in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Emma Butterfield presents on May 15 from 4:00 p.m. to 4:20 p.m.

Ken Kaliski and Hugo Rost present on May 16 from 10:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.

Dana Lodico presents on May 16 from 2:40 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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