RSG is proud to host an exhibit during the American Clean Power (ACP) Siting & Permitting Conference 2024 from March 11 to March 13. Dana Lodico, PE, INCE Bd. Cert. and Eddie Duncan, INCE Bd. Cert. will be on hand to answer questions from attendees about our noise control engineering solutions, particularly in the renewable energy space. Come find us at Table 27 in the exhibit hall!
Since 1986, RSG has partnered with public utilities, environmental groups, independent power producers, and governments to deliver detailed analyses of their energy issues, challenges, and opportunities. We understand the challenges energy innovators face and apply our industry knowledge and advanced analytical techniques to develop future-focused noise control engineering solutions.
ACP Siting & Permitting Conference 2024 is the industry's premier event for addressing substantial barriers across energy storage, solar, and wind and transmission project deployment. This year's conference will convene in Colorado Springs, Colorado.