RSG President and co-founder, Thomas Adler will be presenting “Transportation Research in the Green Mountain State: A Sampler” today as part of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Distinguished Speaker Series. Tom’s presentation will touch upon quantifying forecast risks from complex travel demand models and an intercity bus/rail trip planner.
RSG President and co-founder, Thomas Adler will be presenting “Transportation Research in the Green Mountain State: A Sampler” today as part of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Distinguished Speaker Series. Tom’s presentation will touch upon quantifying forecast risks from complex travel demand models and an intercity bus/rail trip planner.
RSG President and co-founder, Thomas Adler will be presenting “Transportation Research in the Green Mountain State: A Sampler” today as part of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics Distinguished Speaker Series. Tom’s presentation will touch upon quantifying forecast risks from complex travel demand models and an intercity bus/rail trip planner.
RSG consultants are slated to present 26 sessions over the five-day TRB conference kicking off on May 5th in Columbus, OH. Presenters are excited to share current RSG work and learn from others to advance transportation planning techniques and methods.
A project on which RSG worked with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) was recognized with an Excellence in Regional Transportation Award by the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO). The award and project will be featured today at NADO’s 2013 National Rural Transportation Conference in Greenville, SC. RSG’s contributions included designing, developing, and conducting a survey of residents within Chittenden County. The analysis focused on identifying changes and trends in attitudes toward transportation-related issues between 2000 and 2012.
RSG recently released an open-source software package, on The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The package named “RSGHB” is designed to estimate Hierarchical Bayesian (HB) models from choice-based conjoint data, allowing users to estimate sophisticated models which until now required significant custom programming.
RSG Analyst, Chloe Ritter, was a member of a team who received an AICP Student Project Award for their work on the project “Connect Cascade Locks: A Recreational Trails Plan for Economic Development.” The award was presented this week at 2013 APA National Planning Conference in Chicago.
RSG's Kaveh Shabani will be presenting his paper, “Accounting for Special Commodity Movements in Statewide Freight Modeling: Coal, Oil & Gas in the Utah Statewide Freight Forecasting Model,” at the 54th Annual Transportation Research Forum. This work focuses on the reasons why additional data resources were needed in the Utah Statewide freight model and how these were used to overcome initial data deficiencies. The paper includes a description of the data and approaches used as well as a brief contextual overview of the Utah Statewide freight model, including an evaluation and discussion of the unique trends of coal movements in terms of value and tonnage shares compared to other states using Commodity Flow Survey data and the inter-modal considerations in the modeling process, its impacts on the accuracy of the model and the limitations of standard data sources in capturing inter-modal freight movements. Last, lessons learned are discussed to assist other regions seeking to develop similar freight modeling approaches.