News and Events


RSG Director Presents Travel Model Improvement Portal (TMIP) Webinar

RSG Director Joel Freedman presented “Enhanced Methods to Forecast Travel Behavior in Response to Travel Time Reliability and Pricing” at last week’s Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) webinar.

His presentation, which had 121 attendees, described the work undertaken to enhance the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) activity-based model’s sensitivities to priced infrastructure and travel time reliability. The enhancements implemented during this project are based on research conducted under the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) C04 track to improve understanding of how highway congestion and pricing affect travel demand.


RSG Project Highlighted in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (Pittsburgh regional planning agency) freight plan that RSG helped create, in collaboration with WRA, was featured earlier this week in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The article, titled “Pittsburgh regional freight movement expected to increase 40 percent by 2040,” covered the highlights of the plan, particularly the dramatic increase in freight movement projected for the region over the next few decades and what performance measures should be carefully monitored to accommodate this growth.


RSG Senior Director Quoted in Article on Freight Movement

RSG Senior Director Peter Plumeau was quoted in an article this week in “Transport Topics.” The article, titled “Experts Say Lack of Public Understanding Complicates Urban Freight Movement” highlights the topics covered at a Transportation Research Board (TRB) freight panel at the TRB Annual Meeting on Monday morning. In particular, the panel discussed the disconnect between the government agencies that regulate freight and the companies that move it.


96th Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) Meeting

We are honored to sponsor and contribute to the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in DC next week. We look forward to leading 23 presentations in addition to moderating several committee meetings.

The TRB Annual Meeting program covers all transportation modes, with sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to all attendees—policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. The information-packed program is expected to attract 12,000 transportation professionals from around the world to Washington, DC. test

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RSG Director Appointed Chair of ITE Strategic Initiatives Committee

RSG Director Steven Gayle was recently selected by Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) International President Shawn Leight to chair the ITE Strategic Initiatives Committee. This committee is tasked with working alongside the ITE Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and senior staff to develop recommendations to keep ITE relevant and growing in a world where both transportation and professional organizations are dynamically evolving.


RSG Recognized as a John Deere “Partner-level Supplier”

RSG earned recognition as a Partner-level supplier for 2016 in the John Deere Achieving Excellence Program. The Partner-level status is Deere & Company’s highest supplier rating. RSG was selected for the honor in recognition of its dedication to providing products and service of outstanding quality as well as its commitment to continuous improvement.


RSG Director to Present at Portland State University TREC Seminar Series

RSG Director Joel Freedman will present this afternoon as part of Portland State University’s TREC seminar series. As a nationally recognized leader in the development and application of advanced travel demand forecasting models, Joel will share details about activity-based model pricing and reliability enhancements implemented in the San Diego, California region.

Interested to hear more? Tune in at 3PM ET to stream it live:


RSG Senior Consultant Presents at INRO Model City Portland Conference

RSG Senior Consultant Ben Stabler presented at the INRO Model City Portland Conference in Portland, Oregon. His presentation, titled “Development of an Open Matrix Emme Integration Tool,” shared about the tool he worked with INRO to build that reads and writes open matrix for easier integration with third-party software. This tool is now being used by metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in Eugene, OR and Portland, OR.


RSG Project Highlighted in Burlington Free Press

Last week, the Burlington Free Press highlighted an RSG project for the City of Burlington, Vermont being led by RSG's Corey Mack and staffed by Roxanne Meuse. South End Burlington’s “Little Five Corners” – a five-legged intersection traveled by residents, commuters, and visitors of the independent businesses and small park located there – has long plagued those passing through. RSG has been contracted to identify and develop alternatives for this challenging space to make it safer and more accessible for people walking and bicycling, as well as to enhance the neighborhood as a whole.

To ensure a vibrant public participation process, Corey modified the typical indoor public meeting and had participants gather at the site to walk around the intersection and discuss the current layout, significant concerns, and possibilities for improvement. Ideas were brought to life back at the table Corey had set up in the park with a large aerial photo of the intersection on which participants could draw and erase. Back in the office (just a few blocks from the project site), the RSG team will now incorporate the local insight and ideas discussed at this meeting into the project’s next steps.


2016 Vermont Development Conference

Both RSG Director John Hinckley & Senior Engineer Jon Slason are presenting at today’s Vermont Development Conference in Burlington, Vermont. John Hinckley’s presentation is on air pollution and the air permitting process. Meanwhile, Jon Slason’s presentation will be Q&A-style, focused on hot topics in transportation engineering. The conference, hosted by White + Burke, attracts over 275 development professionals from New England to discuss the future of and issues surrounding commercial development in Vermont.

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