RSG Principal Ken Kaliski coauthored a paper that he will present during NOISE-CON 2024 from June 10-12, 2024.
The presentation, titled “Times to Stabilize Sound Metrics in Rural Areas – How Long Should You Monitor?”, will explore how day-to-day rural sound levels can vary significantly over time compared to urban areas. Their findings on the stabilization of various sound level metrics will reveal optimal monitoring durations to capture statistically stable sample recommendations. Another paper that Ken coauthored, “A Collaborative Approach to Low-Frequency Noise Mitigation,” will also be presented by his coauthor during NOISE-CON 2024.
Who? Ken Kaliski, Principal (RSG)
What? “Times to Stabilize Sound Metrics in Rural Areas – How Long Should You Monitor?”
Where and When? NOISE-CON 2024 on Monday, June 10 from 2:50 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. CT.
After 35 years at RSG, and 12 years as CEO, Stephen Lawe has transitioned away from company leadership to a Principal role where he will focus on thought leadership, work with clients to bring about transformative change, and continue to mentor the next generation of leaders.
“For the past 12 years, Stephen has led RSG through several periods of great change in our industry,” said Thomas Adler, RSG’s co-founder and current President Emeritus. “We appreciate Stephen’s contributions to RSG’s many successes during his tenure as CEO and are glad that he will continue to help us shape a successful future for RSG and guide us in his role as Principal.”
Stephen Lawe reflected positively on his time as CEO: “I'm forever grateful to have had the opportunity to lend my decades of experience to helping RSG navigate some of the most innovative and personally rewarding years in our nearly 38-year history,” said Stephen Lawe. “I am proud of the work we have accomplished together in helping to advance the state-of-the-practice for our clients, and I couldn't be more excited to continue contributing to RSG's work in my new role as Principal.”
RSG’s Board of Directors appointed Tim Young as Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) during their May 2024 meeting. Tim Young will continue to serve as RSG's Chief Technology Officer during his appointment as Interim CEO while RSG's Board of Directors initiates a comprehensive search to select RSG's next CEO.
“I’m excited to help lead RSG toward this next chapter as we continue to grow and innovate,” said Tim Young. “RSG’s shared values and goals will continue to guide us, and I look forward to helping us continue to deliver unmatched research and analytics to our clients.”
Tim Young joined RSG in March of 2010. Since then, he has led several cross-company initiatives related to RSG’s technology vision, strategies, business alignment, and growth. Before joining RSG, Tim was Vice President of Information Technology at Bright Horizons Family Solutions and has held other technology executive positions. He is a member of The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
RSG's Market Leader Mark Fowler and IT Manager Monica Tuckerman will deliver a presentation during the 22nd Annual Vermont Employee Ownership Conference on May 31, 2024.
Their presentation, “Our ESOP Journey,” will be part of a full-day session titled “An Introduction to Employee Ownership” that will gather individuals from across the employee ownership community. Their presentation will explain how an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) works, provide insight into how RSG became an ESOP, and explore how becoming an ESOP can improve workplace culture.
Who? Mark Fowler, Market Leader (RSG) and Monica Tuckerman, IT Manager (RSG)
What? “An Introduction to Employee Ownership: Our ESOP Journey”
Where and When? 22nd Annual Vermont Employee Ownership Conference on Friday, May 31 from 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ET.
RSG Managing Consultant Jonathan Slason will co-present during the 2024 AMPO Planning Tools & Training Symposium on May 7, 2024.
The presentation, titled “How VisionEval and ActivitySim Complement Each Other to Answer a Variety of Planning Questions,” will discuss how VisionEval and ActivitySim provide similar but unique perspectives for metropolitan planning organizations. The presentation will discuss how both tools have been used in concert to guide and inform agencies' long-range plans. Jonathan will co-present with Guy Rousseau from the Atlanta Regional Commission.
Who? Jonathan Slason, Managing Consultant (RSG)
What? “How VisionEval and ActivitySim Complement Each Other to Answer a Variety of Planning Questions”
Where and When? 2024 AMPO Planning Tools & Training Symposium on Tuesday, May 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. ET.
RSG Managing Consultant Kyeongsu Kim will deliver a presentation during the North Carolina Model Users Group (NCMUG) meeting on April 17, 2024.
His presentation, titled “Conducting a Regional Travel Model Update and Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan Update Simultaneously for Better Planning/Modeling Integration,” will discuss RSG's work to update a travel demand model and support a transportation plan update in Anchorage, Alaska. The presentation will explore how integrating traditional and strategic model development with metropolitan transportation planning can enhance flexibility, responsiveness to new planning questions, and sensitivity to compact development by demonstrating early alignment and narrowing scenarios for analysis.
Who? Kyeongsu Kim, Managing Consultant (RSG)
What? “Conducting a Regional Travel Model Update and Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan Update Simultaneously for Better Planning/Modeling Integration”
Where and When? North Carolina Model Users Group on Wednesday, April 17 from 10:15 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. ET.
RSG has joined dozens of other New Hampshire businesses in support of Clean Energy Principles 2024, which shares our vision for a dynamic and more resilient economy grounded in clean and renewable energy.
RSG is committed to applying our unmatched research and analytics skills to shape a successful future. One of the ways we support this work is through the delivery of services that help our clients solve problems. These problems are often global in scale, from the shift to renewable energy sources to strategic transportation planning questions surrounding the electrification of the transportation fleet.
As a New Hampshire corporation, we're proud to support these principles and look forward to the opportunity to continue to deliver solutions that shape a successful future for our clients and communities.
RSG Managing Consultant Abigail Rosenson will moderate the question-and-answer portion of a Transportation Research Board (TRB) webinar, titled “Unveiling the Art of Multimethod Sampling for Travel Surveys.”
The webinar will cover multimethod sampling in travel surveys, focusing on using community outreach, panels, and regional entities for improved population representation. It will explore the initial sample design decisions, data integration from various sources, and the complementary use of probability and nonprobability samples. Participants will learn to assess and apply weighting to multimethod samples and implement best practices from relevant case studies.
This webinar requires pre-registration to attend. Registration is free for employees of TRB sponsors as well as Titanium and Cobalt Global Affiliates, and $100 for all other attendees.
Who? Abigail Rosenson, Managing Consultant (RSG)
What? “Unveiling the Art of Multimethod Sampling for Travel Surveys”
Where and When? TRB webinar on Thursday, April 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET.
RSG Market Leader Jeff Frkonja will deliver a presentation during the Oregon Modeling Statewide Collaborative (OMSC) meeting on April 3, 2024.
His presentation, titled “Trend-based Tools for Allocating Future Land Use in Travel Demand Models,” will provide an overview of historic-trend-based approaches, including past housing unit development by zone as a basis, past land change as a basis, and other options. The OMSC comprises volunteers from state, regional, and local governmental agencies who work to ensure Oregon has the right data, tools, skills, and expertise needed to answer important questions about our transportation systems, land uses, and economy.
Who? Jeff Frkonja, Market Leader (RSG)
What? “Trend-based Tools for Allocating Future Land Use in Travel Demand Models”
Where and When? Oregon Modeling Statewide Collaborative on Wednesday, April 3 from 11:15 a.m. to 11:35 a.m. PT.
RSG Consultant Ali Etezady will present at Michigan State University on Friday, March 8, 2024.
Ali's presentation will describe RSG's work developing an activity-based travel demand model using ActivitySim for the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). SEMCOG's new activity-based model more accurately captures and represents changing travel patterns and population levels.
Who? Ali Etezady, Consultant (RSG)
What? ActivitySim: An Open-Source Activity-Based Travel Demand Model with an Application in Michigan
Where and When? The Michigan State University campus in East Lansing, Michigan. Ali is presenting on Friday, March 8 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.
RSG is proud to host an exhibit during the American Clean Power (ACP) Siting & Permitting Conference 2024 from March 11 to March 13. Dana Lodico, PE, INCE Bd. Cert. and Eddie Duncan, INCE Bd. Cert. will be on hand to answer questions from attendees about our noise control engineering solutions, particularly in the renewable energy space. Come find us at Table 27 in the exhibit hall!
Since 1986, RSG has partnered with public utilities, environmental groups, independent power producers, and governments to deliver detailed analyses of their energy issues, challenges, and opportunities. We understand the challenges energy innovators face and apply our industry knowledge and advanced analytical techniques to develop future-focused noise control engineering solutions.
ACP Siting & Permitting Conference 2024 is the industry's premier event for addressing substantial barriers across energy storage, solar, and wind and transmission project deployment. This year's conference will convene in Colorado Springs, Colorado.