News and Events


2021 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting

We’re excited to moderate and present at the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) 100th Annual Meeting this month. Our presentations will cover a range of topics—from mitigating the noise impact of drone deliveries to quantifying the impacts of COVID-19 on willingness to pay for travel time savings.

The event, which covers all transportation modes, normally attracts over 13,000 transportation professionals from around the world who gather in Washington, DC. For the first time in TRB's history, however, this will be a month-long virtual event! The TRB Annual Meeting program covers all transportation modes, with sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions.

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RSG President published in TR News on transportation network company impacts on airport revenue and operations

RSG President Tom Adler coauthored an article for the latest issue of TR News. The article summarizes research RSG conducted into how transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft have impacted airport revenues and operations. Specifically, it discusses findings from ACRP Research Report 215: Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)—Impacts to Airport Revenues and Operations—Reference Guide, which was published in 2020.

ACRP Research Report 215 follows work done as part of ACRP Synthesis 84: Transportation Network Companies—Challenges and Opportunities for Airport Operators, which was published in 2017. ACRP Synthesis 84 concluded more research was needed into the topic. In response, ACRP Research Report 215 describes strategic approaches and practical tools that airports can reference to develop ground access programs that align with their policy goals. Both ACRP Research Report 215 and ACRP Synthesis 84 surveyed 100 of the largest airports in the United States. These findings helped the research team understand TNC operations at each of these airports, the resulting access mode shares, and the revenues received from TNC fees. The data also helped the research team develop integrated supply and demand models to estimate the effects of TNC growth and TNC-related pricing policies on airport access mode shares and revenues.

The application of the models confirmed the complex (and often counterintuitive) relationship between pricing, revenue, and mode choice in the context of airport ground access. While the work completed for ACRP Research Report 215 occurred prior to COVID-19, the research team's methods remain relevant as airports look for ways to attract customers and increase revenue. Given these changes, airport operators can still consider the specific tools, guidelines, and policy levers described in ACRP Research Report 215 to support their decision-making in a rapidly evolving travel environment during and after the pandemic.

To learn more about how air travel is changing, visit RSG's COVID-19 Transportation Insights Panel page.

TR News is copyright, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; posted with permission of the Transportation Research Board


RSG Consultant featured in the Transportation Research Board Young Member Council – Aviation Quarterly Spotlight

RSG Consultant Alex Levin was recently nominated and selected by a group of industry peers to be featured in the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Young Member Council – Aviation (YMC-A) Quarterly Spotlight.

Since joining RSG in 2016, Alex has worked on several major airport ground access transportation projects across the United States. He played a major role in the Logan Airport Ground Access and Trip Reduction Strategy Study, which RSG completed in 2019. He also contributed to TRB's ACRP Research Report 215: Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Impacts to Airport Revenues and Operations—Reference Guide.

Alex has a bachelor’s degree in geography and economics from McGill University and a master’s degree in sustainable urban development from DePaul University. He is a Chaddick Scholar and a StartingBloc Fellow.


Planning for Drones: How Cities Can Get Ahead on Urban Air Mobility

Commercial drone technology is here to stay, with many US companies currently operating delivery drones in urban airspaces. In response, cities need to begin thinking about how they can proactively plan for commercial drone operations in their neighborhoods and downtown areas.

On Wednesday, December 16 at 1:00 p.m. ET, RSG Director Eddie Duncan and RSG Senior Director Ken Kaliski will discuss commercial drone noise and local noise ordinances during a webinar sponsored by the National League of Cities (NLC).

The event, titled “Planning for Drones: How Cities Can Get Ahead on Urban Air Mobility,” will also feature unique insights from several elected officials along with a groundbreaking announcement on the future of urban air from one of NLC's member cities.

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RSGers lead sessions during virtual 2020 Fall North Carolina Model Users Group Meeting

Four RSGers led two sessions during the virtual 2020 Fall North Carolina Model Users Group (NCMUG) meeting, which was held on Wednesday, December 2 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. The 2020 meeting focused on COVID-19's impact on travel behavior and data collection as well as the use of passively collected data (“big data”).

The presentation given by RSG Director Michelle Lee and RSG Senior Analyst Abigail Rosenson, titled “Longitudinal Surveys to Understand Short- and Long-Term Impacts of COVID-19,” discussed survey methodology best practices to achieve representative samples using panels and described primary panel data applications. Their presentation also discussed COVID-19 travel implications nationally and in North Carolina, with a particular focus on demographic implications and attitudes about travel resumption. A recording of their presentation can be viewed here.

The presentation given by RSG Senior Consultant Stephen Tuttle and RSG Consultant Steven Trevino, titled “Big Data & Pivoting in the NC Statewide Model (NCSTM),” provided an overview of the location-based service data processing and expansion methodology used in the NCSTM. Their presentation detailed the application of passively collected data to the NCSTM via the pivot process, provided a review of the results from data expansion, and described future big data applications, including post-COVID-19 uses and forecast scenarios. A recording of their presentation can be viewed here.

About NCMUG: The vision of NCMUG is to provide a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences of using state-of-practice transportation modeling tools, techniques, and innovations appropriate to answer transportation planning and policy questions for the State of North Carolina, and promote its implementation across the State.

Panel on Behavior Dynamics – The Future…Accelerated

New mobility technologies and COVID-19 have dramatically accelerated the pace of personal travel behavior changes. This makes it increasingly important for practitioners to understand how and why people travel.

On Tuesday, December 15 at 1:00 p.m. ET, RSG Senior Director Mark Bradley will present tips on how to account for age-cohort-related differences in travel behavior in applied travel demand models. The presentation is part of a panel event sponsored by Zephyr.

Attendees will hear from several experts on how mobility technologies, along with shifts driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, have affected many of the behavioral dynamics that go into modeling individual travel behavior.

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Seven Days newspaper interviews RSG Sr. Director on commercial drone noise

Seven Days newspaper recently published an article on the future of commercial drone delivery in Vermont. The article features an interview with RSG's Eddie Duncan who, along with Ken Kaliski and Erica Wygonik, authored RSG's recent white paper on commercial drone noise and strategies for mitigation.

More companies are beginning commercial drone delivery pilot programs across the United States as the technology matures and there is more of a demand for these types of services. RSG's white paper uses the Burlington, Vermont, region to demonstrate how community noise mapping can be used to plan for and mitigate (or mask) the potential noise from commercial drone delivery operations.


Aerial Mobility: Noise Issues and Technology Workshop

RSG's Eddie Duncan and Ken Kaliski will present at the Aerial Mobility: Noise Issues and Technology workshop on Wednesday, December 2 at 2:10 p.m. ET. They will lead a discussion on reducing community noise from delivery drones through route optimization.

Noise will become an increasingly important issue facing communities as more companies begin drone delivery operations. Our latest white paper, “Three Considerations Around Drone Noise and Strategies for Mitigation,” explores some of these issues and offers proactive solutions for policymakers and industry leaders. You can read our white paper here.

The Technology for a Quieter America virtual workshop, which is being hosted by the National Academy of Engineering, was organized by the INCE Foundation in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration.

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Second Edition of Big Data Meets Survey Science Conference (BigSurv20)

RSG’s Mark Bradley will present at the Big Data Meets Survey Science Conference (BigSurv20) on Friday, November 13 at 11:45 a.m. ET.

Mark's presentation, titled Smartphone-based travel surveys: An example of controlled data fusion, discusses findings from work done with RSG's Jeff Doyle. Their research offers unique insights into “controlled” data fusion methods that can be used to impute trip purposes and modes in cases where the reported data from household travel surveys are suspect. The presentation gives background on the smartphone-based survey approach and experiences, describes the fusion/imputation methods developed and applied thus far, and discusses future directions for development.

This second edition of BigSurv20 is being held virtually this year on Fridays throughout the months of November and December. BigSurv2020 gathers a diverse group of practitioners who discuss how big data and data science can improve the quality of statistics production and use.

BigSurv20 registration is free and required to attend. Attendees receive access to the full event program and can view the prerecorded presentations and ask questions of the presenters during the last 15 minutes of each prerecorded session. Click here to view a recording of Mark's presentation.

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RSG Sr. Director honored with The William W. Lang Award for the Distinguished Noise Control Engineer

The Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) honored RSG Senior Director Kenneth Kaliski, PE, QEP, INCE Bd. Cert. with The William W. Lang Award for the Distinguished Noise Control Engineer. The award, which is given every two years, acknowledges Ken’s meaningful service to and enthusiastic support of INCE Board Certification, notable contributions to the field of wind turbine acoustics, and use of rigorous analytics and novel approaches to advance the field of noise control engineering.

INCE’s traditional awards ceremony was canceled this year due to the pandemic. Instead, INCE’s president, Michael Bahtiarian, INCE Bd. Cert., traveled to RSG’s headquarters in White River Junction in September to present the award to Ken in person during a socially distanced ceremony attended by a small group that included RSG’s CEO (Stephen Lawe), President (Thomas Adler), and members of RSG’s acoustics services team.

Ken has been with RSG for over 30 years since our founding in 1986. During that time, he served for 15 years on our Board of Directors. His work focuses on community noise monitoring and modeling, architectural acoustics, transportation noise, and industrial noise control projects. He also works on complex modeling projects in the fields of market and energy research. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors for INCE where he is Board Certified, he is certified as a Qualified Environmental Professional through the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice and is a member of the Acoustical Society of America.

To read more, check out this article in Vermont Business Magazine.