Our team worked with the Washington State Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) to deliver detailed analysis and forecasting.
Our team worked with the City of Burlington to develop data on sidewalk characteristics to determine which are most in need of repair.
Our team worked with the North Carolina State University Institute for Transportation Research & Education on their recurrent travel survey.
Our team worked with Hampton Roads Transit to help evaluate the feasibility of a high-capacity transit service.
Our team worked with the developers of Sugar Creek Wind Farm to conduct preconstruction and postconstruction turbine sound monitoring.
Our team worked with the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities to help them improve travel and connectivity in the region.
Our team worked with the National Park Service to evaluate the feasibility of using LBS data (“big data”) in park visitation studies.
Our team worked with the California High-Speed Rail Authority to assess the potential service, ridership, revenue, and other benefits of HSR.
Our team worked with the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho to provide critical data on travel patterns in the region.
Our team worked with the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments to develop a new activity-based model to accurately represent travel.