RSG worked with the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis to design a survey and collect data on micromobility use across the US.
RSG worked with the Metropolitan Council to develop a local implementation of ActivitySim, an open-source activity-based modeling platform.
Our team worked with the Ohio Department of Transportation to deploy a first-in-the-nation statewide smartphone-first household travel survey.
Our team worked with the Florida Department of Transportation and regional planning organizations to combine travel survey data and big data.
Our team worked to develop a Transportation Equity Framework for a state department of transportation looking to improve equitable outcomes.
Our team worked with the Utah Transit Authority to develop a model using FTA’s Simplified Trips-on-Project Software (STOPS).
Our team developed NCHRP Report 882, which explores the impact of weather on highway road noise and equips state DOTs with outreach tools.
Our team used VisionEval to help the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) develop the Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP).
Our team worked with the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) to refine their travel demand model over three phases.
Our team worked with Apex Clean Energy to conduct a noise assessment of the Wheatsborough Solar Project.
Our team worked with the Washington State Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) to deliver detailed analysis and forecasting.
Our team worked with the City of Burlington to develop data on sidewalk characteristics to determine which are most in need of repair.