Over the past four years, RSG has worked in partnership with New Jersey Transit (NJ TRANSIT) on four studies to quantify preferences for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) attributes using MaxDiff conjoint analysis. The corridors have included the Princeton, New Brunswick, Route 9, and GO Bus service corridors. The first three studies were conducted in corridors…
The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) wanted to conduct a system-wide origin-destination study to better understand their transit markets, as well as to collect data for a Federal Transit Administration study before construction began on the LYNX LRT Blue Line extension. RSG teamed with ETC Institute to conduct the CATS system-wide origin-destination study. The RSG…
The Partnership for Downtown St. Louis is working with the East-West Gateway Council of Governments and Bi-State Development Agency to improve mobility in St. Louis, Missouri. A key element of this program is a potential new streetcar system serving two corridors in the central city. The Partnership retained RSG as part of a team to…
Bandelier National Monument (BAND) has a history of transportation and congestion management issues during peak visitation periods, including traffic congestion at the Monument entrance and parking shortages. These challenges have been made more difficult by recent wildfires and flooding, which have forced the NPS to temporarily close nearly half of the parking facilities in BAND….
RSG developed an off-line ridership forecasting analysis tool to study potential transit improvements in the US 192 corridor between Kissimmee, Florida and Walt Disney World. The analysis used the 2010 LYNX on-board survey to develop a Federal Transit Administration data-driven ridership forecasting procedure. Over 2,000 daily customers use corridor bus routes, and survey responses were…
Legislature required the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to begin reporting on regional customer satisfaction (CS) throughout the Chicago area. Until 2010, each Service Board providing transit services – CTA, Metra, and Pace – had conducted separate customer satisfaction studies with differing methodologies. RTA sought a holistic approach to integrating the CS studies to obtain consistency…
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) needed to gather feedback about new customer information monitors that were installed in the transit stations for AirTrain, the JFK Airport transit system. RSG designed and conducted focus groups to obtain feedback on the new customer information monitors. Five groups of participants took part in…
After rehabilitating a number of subway stations serving the New York City transit system, and in anticipation of more station rehabilitation efforts, New York City Transit (NYCT) wished to identify station amenities that are most important to current and potential riders of the New York City subway system. RSG designed and administered a questionnaire, and…
New Jersey Transit (NJ TRANSIT) sought to determine, based on customer preferences, the best interior-attribute bundle to incorporate into over 200 multilevel rail coaches that were to be procured. In order to enable NJ TRANSIT to make informed decisions regarding customer preferences for the interior attributes of these rail cars, RSG designed and implemented a…
RSG is currently on retainer with UTA to provide specialized travel forecasting support on an as-needed basis as UTA plans and expands its transit system. RSG’s most recent responsibilities involved forecasting the demand for a light-rail extension to Draper, Utah, and a transit network optimization study. Our staff had previously successfully produced the forecasts for…
The fixed guideway transit New Starts program is one of the largest discretionary grant programs offered by the United States government. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has recently streamlined the application process to allow local agencies to more quickly assemble the information necessary to support FTA’s evaluation of each proposed project and its eligibility for…
The City of Anaheim, in cooperation with the Orange County Transportation Authority, is working to improve passenger access to the Metrolink system. The city has proposed a fixed guideway transit line between the future Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC), the Platinum Triangle, the Anaheim Resort and the Anaheim Convention Center as part of this…