News and Events


2018 Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Northeastern District Annual Meeting

RSG Director Steve Gayle was busy this week presenting and moderating at the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Northeastern District Annual Meeting in Lake George, NY.

He taught the technical workshop on performance-based planning and managing risk, presented RSG’s work to date on the New York State Freight Transportation Plan, and moderated the session “Future Mobility: Connected Vehicles and Drones.”

We were proud to be a silver sponsor of the event.

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RSG Sr. Director’s New Book Published

With the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world, we now have more sound and light pollution than ever before. Have you ever wondered what impact that has on the world around us, especially the great outdoors?

In their new book, “Natural Quiet and Natural Darkness,” RSG’s Steve Lawson and co-authors explore that concern and suggest best practices for studying, managing, and protecting natural quiet and natural darkness in the national parks and related reserves.


American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 73rd Annual Conference

RSG’s Joann Lynch to present tomorrow at the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 73rd Annual Conference in Denver, CO.

Her presentation is part of the session “You got that from my mobile device?” and will highlight RSG’s proprietary mobile app, rMove, and the benefits of using an all-in-one smartphone GPS application for household travel survey data collection.

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2nd Annual Uber Elevate Summit

We are honored to be attending and contributing to the 2nd Annual Uber Elevate Summit this week in Los Angeles. The invite-only summit is designed to bring vehicle manufacturers, regulators, investors, technology suppliers, and federal & local policymakers together to explore the exciting future of urban aviation. RSG President Tom Adler will be presenting in the “Demand Modeling and Network Optimization” session, detailing the research methodology RSG used to estimate future demand for Uber Elevate.

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2018 Vermont Walk/Bike Summit

Our White River Junction, Vermont office is hosting the “Safe & Healthy Communities” track of the Vermont Walk/Bike Summit today.

The summit, organized by the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee and Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commissions in partnership with the Vermont Agency of Transportation, connects community members, employers, planners, and researchers for in-depth sharing on current efforts, new ideas, and networking to advance more livable communities throughout Vermont.

RSG’s Ben Swanson was on the organizing committee and RSG’s Erica Wygonik will be giving two presentations—“Bike Crash Analysis on State Roads” and “A Sidewalk Success Story: 3 Years of Teamwork.”

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RSG Director Quoted in Epicurious Article

With the prevalence of online shopping, it isn’t all that surprising that many consumers are now using the internet to purchase their groceries as well. Buyers that once couldn’t imagine not personally picking out their produce are now turning to grocery delivery services for the ease and convenience. But, with that ease and convenience come environmental and societal implications. Recognizing this, food-centered site Epicurious explored the issue in their article “Everything You Should and Should Not Feel Guilty About When Ordering Groceries.”

The article quotes RSG Director Erica Wygonik’s research on the topic, which found that “ordering groceries online could reduce carbon emissions anywhere from 20 to 75 percent.” But, before you fill up your virtual shopping cart, the article also points out that “though there is potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions, there are other toxic side effects of delivery trucks that are felt more immediately.”

Learn more and check out the full article at:


RSG’s Household Travel Diary Study in Twin City Region Highlighted in Metropolitan Council Newsletter

RSG’s household travel diary study in the Twin City region was recently featured in the Metropolitan Council’s newsletter. The article highlights this spring’s data collection, which is using a smartphone-based travel survey (rMove™) for the first time. We’re excited to get rMove in the hands of Twin City residents and to help the region keep pace with all the factors changing the way we travel.


RSG Director Published in University of Chicago Journal ‘Marine Resource Economics’

RSG Director Chris Leggett was published in the University of Chicago Journal Marine Resource Economics. His article, titled “Assessing the Economic Benefits of Reductions in Marine Debris at Southern California Beaches: A Random Utility Travel Cost Model,” evaluates the influence of marine debris on an individual's choice of which beach to visit for recreation.

RSG Director Published in University of Chicago Journal 'Marine Resource Economics'

RSG Director Chris Leggett was published in the University of Chicago Journal Marine Resource Economics. His article, titled “Assessing the Economic Benefits of Reductions in Marine Debris at Southern California Beaches: A Random Utility Travel Cost Model,” evaluates the influence of marine debris on an individual's choice of which beach to visit for recreation.


AWEA Wind Project Siting & Environmental Compliance Conference

RSG’s Ryan Haac is presenting at the AWEA Wind Project Siting & Environmental Compliance Conference in Memphis tomorrow. His session is titled “Attitudes of Wind Project Neighbors: Deep Dive with Berkeley Lab Researchers on National Survey,” and will include an RSG-led investigation of various predictors of reported ability to hear turbines and stated sound annoyance.

Ryan is also hosting an RSG booth along with Eddie Duncan. If you’re at the conference, come visit us in the exhibit hall!

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