Year: 2019

RSG Sr. Director Honored with George Wright Society Social Science Achievement Award


The George Wright Society has honored RSG Sr. Director Steve Lawson with their Social Science Achievement Award. The award is given in recognition of excellence in social science research, management, or education related to parks, reserves, and other protected areas.

Steve stands in a unique position at the intersection of theory and practice in public lands planning and management. He has conducted research in some of the United Statesā€™ most iconic national parks and has published extensively in the fieldā€™s most prominent journals, authoring and co-authoring dozens of influential papers. Though he secured a tenured faculty position in academia, he chose to transition to a consultancy where he could focus on applied projectsā€”putting ideas into action at national parks, national forests, and other protected lands.

To celebrate his dedication, he will receive a Social Science Achievement award plaque, a yearā€™s complimentary membership to the GWS, and recognition at a future GWS award ceremony.

RSG Director Appointed to ITE Task Force


In December of 2015, President Obama signed into law the Fixing Americaā€™s Surface Transportation (FAST) Actā€”the first federal law in over a decade to provide long-term funding certainty for surface transportation infrastructure and investment. It expires in September 2020 which, in legislative terms, is right around the corner.

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) International President Bruce Belmore just appointed RSG Director Steve Gayle to serve on a new ITE Reauthorization Task Force around this legislation. Steve, a past president of ITE, has been asked to contribute his policy expertise and knowledge of transportation planning and the federal requirements that govern MPOs.

The Task Force will deliver specific bill recommendations to the ITE Board of Direction later this year. They will use these to develop the official policy of ITE and both organization and individual members will then use this policy as a basis for talking to Congress.

RSG Contributes to Impactful Study on Transit


We are proud to have played a key role in the reportĀ Whoā€™s on Board 2019: How to Win Back Americaā€™s Transit RidersĀ published by TransitCenter, an organization committed to improving transit through innovation. The study, released last week, draws on results from focus groups and a survey of 1,700 transit riders in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Denver, and New Orleans. The findingsĀ provide insight into the causes of declining transit ridership and shape solutions for transit agencies aiming to win back riders.

The report and its findings have already been featured on Wired and StreetsBlog USA, among others.

Transportation Research Boardā€™s TR News Highlights RSGā€™s NCHRP Research


RSG-led research for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) is featured in the latest issue of the Transportation Research Boardā€™s TR News. The article, ā€œResearch Offers Insights on Highway Noise,ā€ highlights two of RSGā€™s research projects, NCHRP 25-52 and 25-44.

Traffic noise from highways can negatively affect human health and quality of life. Though federal legislation has required state DOTs to anticipate and mitigate noise effects of proposed new highways and expansion projects since the 1970s, they continue to receive traffic noise complaints. These two NCHRP reports offer new insights for noise specialists, project designers, and policy makers.