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Installing rMove

rMove is available in the Google Play (Android) and iOS (Apple) app stores and it runs on Apple iOS (version 13.0 or later) and Android (5.1 or later) operating systems.

Currently, rMove can only be used by people selected to participate in a study. If you are interested in learning more about rMove or if you received an invitation and have questions, please contact us directly.

rMove is available to download in the Apple App Store or the Google Play store.

rMove is optimized to minimally impact your phone’s battery life and operation. However, it is a location-based app and can decrease battery life on some phones. This is normal and varies based on your phone’s age, battery health, and other conditions.

rMove is designed to minimize data use when sending and receiving travel behavior information collected on your device. Additionally, rMove uses Wi-Fi whenever possible to send and receive travel data.

Using rMove

If you have questions about rMove, please contact us to receive additional assistance. You can also learn more about using rMove by visiting our How It Works page.

rMove is designed to record and send data only when there is Wi-Fi or cellular service available. If you are traveling to an area with no Wi-Fi or cellular network, please ensure that you connect to a cellular network or Wi-Fi before finishing your travel period and uninstalling the app.

You can manually add any trips that rMove may have missed by using rMove’s “add trip” functionality within the app.

Yes, you can fly with rMove on your phone, but you should turn on airplane mode when flying. The app will record your starting location and then pick you up again at your destination when you turn airplane mode off. 

Yes, please ensure your phone “Always Allows” rMove to access your location. You can check this in your location services settings.

rMove will seamlessly collect trip information as you go about your day. However, in rare instances, users may experience issues with the app appearing to freeze. In other cases, trips made may not be automatically logged.

If you experience any of these issues, we first recommend restarting your device and relaunching rMove. In most instances, a restart will restore the app's functionality, and you can continue using rMove without issue.


Planning for the future requires detailed data about how people move and why. These insights enable better decision-making and more positive outcomes.

We are committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and security of your personal information. We take this responsibility seriously. To read our privacy policy, please click here.

You can read the rMove license agreement here. The rMove app is developed and managed by RSG. You can review RSG’s privacy policy here.