San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
SANDAG has developed an extensive suite of analytic tools, including regional economic and demographic forecasting models, a land-use model, an activity-based travel demand model, and numerous other supporting tools and databases. These individual models and tools exchange information and collectively comprise the regional long-term forecasting model system, although each model component was executed individually, and data exchanges were often manual.
RSG is developing an integrated model framework for SANDAG that automates the process of initiating, monitoring, and summarizing integrated runs of the model system. This effort initially involved a review of all model system components and an identification of key issues and potential integration alternatives. Subsequently, RSG implemented a continuous integration server for SANDAG that provides version control for all integrated model system components and hooks to software development and management tools. Most recently, RSG has begun development of an integrated model engine that will manage all aspects of integrated model runs.