Comparative infographic showcasing two methods of travel survey collection. The Decennial Model is depicted with images of a bulky cell phone, an old computer, and a floppy disk, representing surveys conducted every 10 years. The Recurrent Model is illustrated with icons of a smartphone with sound waves, a modern laptop, and a car at a charging station, representing more frequent surveys every 2-3 years.

This image serves as a visual comparison between traditional decennial travel surveys and modern recurrent travel survey methods. On the left, the ‘Decennial Model' is symbolized by outdated technology such as a bulky cell phone, an old-style desktop computer, and a floppy disk, reflecting the slower, less frequent surveying method of every 10 years. On the right, the ‘Recurrent Model' uses contemporary icons like a smartphone emitting sound waves, a sleek laptop, and an electric vehicle at a charging station, indicating the adoption of more frequent surveys every 2-3 years. This transition reflects the need for more current data to keep up with rapid changes in travel behavior and technology.