RSG's Steve Lawson, Brett Kiser and Eric Talbot are scheduled to present their paper, “Sustainable Transportation for National Parks: Modeling and Mapping Visitorsā Exposure to Roadway Noise, Natural Sounds, and Quiet in Yosemite National Park,” at the 2013 George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites in Denver, Colorado. This paper presents the results of a study to assess transportation-related impacts to visitorsā opportunities to experience natural sounds and quiet in the Tuolumne River watershed within Yosemite National Park. Roadway noise modeling tools were used to map the spatial extent and intensity of roadway noise originating from Tioga Road and propagating across the landscape in the Tuolumne River watershed. Further, information from the roadway noise model was integrated with GPS-based hiking track data to model visitorsā exposure to roadway noise, natural sounds, and quiet while hiking.