RSG Senior Analyst Gabrielle Freeman will present at the 2nd Conference on Scenario Planning in Washington, DC, on Monday, September 19, 2022.
Gabrielle will present two posters during the exhibitor/reception portion of the conference. The posters will describe RSG's work on VisionEval strategic planning model application projects in Chittenden County, Vermont, and Oregon at the statewide level.
The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) adopted the VisionEval Regional Strategic Planning Model (VERSPM) to evaluate the impacts of hundreds of policy and planning strategies on the Interstate 89 corridor through Chittenden County. The Oregon Department of Transportation’s statewide Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP), which is currently in development, is utilizing one of the most sophisticated and advanced scenario planning analysis methods for a long-range plan at a statewide scale. The OTP leverages Oregon’s application of the VisionEval State (VE-State) strategic model to evaluate hundreds of scenarios that account for multiple simultaneously changing variables.
RSG was part of the original team that designed and implemented VisionEval, and we have since assisted in its implementation across the United States.
Who? Gabrielle Freeman, Senior Analyst (RSG)
What? Presentation of posters, titled “Scenario Planning and Strategic Modeling for the Oregon Transportation Plan” and “VisionEval Strategic Planning Model for Northwestern Vermont”
Where and When? The 2nd Conference on Scenario Planning in Transportation is held at the National Academies of Sciences Building in Washington, DC, from September 19 through September 21, 2022. Gabrielle is presenting her posters on Monday, September 19 during an exhibitor/poster session that begins at 5:30 p.m. ET.