News and Events


Tennessee Annual MPO Conference

RSG Senior Consultant, Vince Bernardin, will present “Tennessee Statewide Travel Demand Model Update” at the Tennessee Annual MPO Conference on May 15th. The presentation will provide a summary of the on-going work that RSG and RPM Transportation Consultants are doing to update TDOT’s statewide travel model. The presentation is a piece of the Long Range Plan update including major project planning and TDOT’s on-going planning efforts.

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American Wind Energy Association Annual Conference

RSG Senior Director, Ken Kaliski, will present at Windpower 2014 – The American Wind Energy Association annual conference on May 6th in Las Vegas. The presentation titled “The Massachusetts Research Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics – Methods and Goals” will outline the methodologies and preliminary results of a study that RSG is working on with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to provide a quantitative basis for testing and evaluating pre-construction and post-construction wind turbine noise.

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RSG’s Work Published in TCRP Report

The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) recently published a report titled, “Characteristics of Premium Transit Services that Affect Choice of Mode.” RSG led the project, which seeks to improve the transit industry’s understanding of mode choice determinants, and to offer practical insights to the forecasting community so that mode choice models and transit path-builders can better represent and distinguish important mode characteristics.


RSG Senior Consultant Featured in ITE Newsletter

RSG Senior Consultant, Steven Gayle is featured in the spring issue of the ITE Public Agency Council Newsletter. The ITE Public Agency Council Chair, Terry Little, interviewed Steve about his career in transportation planning and involvement with ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers).


APA National Conference

RSG Project Planner, Grace Wu, will present, “Streetscapes… in the Snow,” at the American Planning Association (APA) National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Grace’s presentation will highlight the specific challenges of transportation planning in New England – the snow, the plows, and all that salt. She will cover lessons learned after two years of working, walking, biking, and driving throughout New Hampshire and Vermont in all types of weather.

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TRB’s Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference

RSG consultants will lead eight sessions at the 5th TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference taking place in Baltimore, MD from April 27 to April 30th. The conference will allow researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and experiences on the latest developments in travel modeling and identify research and implementation challenges and issues associated with deploying cutting-edge computational methods. The conference will also review advances made possible by the integration of social, land-use, transportation supply, and technology into the modeling process. RSG is a patron sponsor of the conference.

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New Product Marketing at University of Washington

RSG Senior Director, Nelson Whipple, will speak at the University of Washington’s Bothell campus on April 23rd. He will be presenting trade-off methodologies to business students in the New Product Marketing course.

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RSG Senior Director Presents at Dover Public Meeting

RSG Director, David Saladino, presented alternative concept plans for traffic circulation and streetscaping at the public meeting in Dover, NH. The study is focusing on building consensus for innovative approaches to reconfiguring the streets, streetscapes, and public realm that will improve the safety and experience of downtown Dover.


Traffic Incident Management for Responders, Train-the-Trainer

RSG Senior Consultant, Steve Gayle, will be teaching “Traffic Incident Management for Responders, Train-the-Trainer” course on April 9th in Binghamton, NY. This national curriculum was developed under SHRP2 (Strategic Highway Research Program) and is designed to provide unified training for all traffic incident responders – law enforcement, fire, EMS, DOT, and towing/recovery. The goal is to improve on-scene operations to achieve quick clearance and responder safety.

Steve was on the SHRP2 oversight committee for the course development, and is now certified by New York State DOT and New York State Police as a trainer.

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RSG Senior Director to Lead Guest Lecture at UVM

RSG Senior Director, Robert Chamberlin, will present, “Pedestrian Design,” as a guest lecturer to engineering students at the University of Vermont (UVM). The presentation will draw on local and national pedestrian design projects completed by RSG and give students greater insight into holistic design approaches. A particular focus will be the application of pedestrian capacity models implemented through New York City’s City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) procedures.

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