News and Events


RSG Senior Director Named Member of the Project Advisory Board for NITC Study

RSG Senior Director, Peter Plumeau, was recently named a member of the Project Advisory Board for a National Institute of Transportation and Communities (NITC) study titled “Integrating Freight into Livable Communities.” The study is being performed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida.


10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods

RSG Senior Consultant Elizabeth Greene and Director Stephane Hess will attend the 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods in Leura, Australia from November 16th-21st. The conference will focus on embracing technological and behavioral changes to improve the conduct of surveys.

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RSG Senior Director Awarded Patent

RSG Senior Director, Michael Geilich, was recently awarded his fourth patent. This latest patent (US Patent # 8,862,454) is for a method and apparatus for simulating risk tolerance and associated adversary costs in a distributed business process.


Acoustical Society of America Fall 2014 Meeting

RSG Senior Director, Kenneth Kaliski, will be co-chairing a conference session on Wind Turbine Noise at the fall meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) in Indianapolis on October 29th.

Ken will also be presenting a paper with RSG analyst, David-Michael Lozupone, titled, “Massachusetts Wind Turbine Acoustics Research Project – Goals and Preliminary Results.” The presentation will outline the methodologies and preliminary results of a study that RSG is working on with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to provide a quantitative basis for testing and evaluating pre-construction and post-construction wind turbine noise.

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Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Annual Conference

RSG Senior Consultant Chad Worthen and Transportation Engineer Kordel Braley will be attending the Utah Department of Transportation Annual Conference in Sandy, Utah. The conference offers unique networking and training opportunities for attendees, including tracks on leadership, program development, and project delivery.

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Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference

RSG Senior Director, Robert Chamberlin, is presenting today at the Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference (OTEC) in Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is researching the vulnerability of Ohio's transportation infrastructure to identify climate change impacts. Bob’s presentation titled “ODOT Climate Change Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment” will review the status of that research with discussion of initial findings and potential asset-specific adaptation needs.

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Annual Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) Conference

The annual Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) conference will be held this week in Atlanta, GA. RSGers Peter Plumeau and Steven Gayle will be in attendance and RSG Senior Consultant, Jeff Frkonja, will be presenting in the Thursday session titled “Project Evaluation.” His presentation will provide an overview of benefit cost analysis principles, identify environmental issues relevant to long-range transportation plans, describe key inputs and assumptions used in benefit cost analysis, and provide examples and illustrations.

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RSG President to Present at German Aerospace Center’s Institute of Transport Research

RSG President, Tom Adler, will be presenting this week in Berlin, Germany at the German Aerospace Center’s Institute of Transport Research. His presentation titled, “From Surveys to Big Data: Future Tools for Travel Forecasting” will summarize the large body of research that RSG has generated related to long-distance travel by air, rail, bus, and auto and explore opportunities for collaboration with European researchers in this field.


RSG Director Published in Journal of Transport and Land Use

RSG Director, Stephane Hess, co-authored the article “Temporal Transferability of Models of Mode-Destination Choice for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area” which was published in the latest issue of the Journal of Transport and Land Use. The article summarizes the findings from a literature review that demonstrates there is little evidence about the transferability of mode-destination models over typical forecasting horizons. The analysis demonstrates that improving model specification improves the transferability of the models, and in general the transferability declines as the transfer period increases.


Renewable Energy 2014 (RE2014) Conference

RSGers Eddie Duncan, Senior Engineer, and Colin High, Principal Consultant, will present this week at RE2014 (Renewable Energy 2014) in Burlington, VT. RE2014 is Vermont’s annual convention bringing together key players in the renewables sector. This year's conference highlights current energy challenges, Vermont’s leadership role in the energy industry, and the steps needed to implement an integrated energy infrastructure.

Eddie will present during the session titled “Wind: the Facts on Production, Sound and Wildlife,” and Colin will present on the session titled “The Transportation Challenge: Meeting 90% by 2050.”

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