Town of Putney
The Town of Putney obtained a Transportation Enhancement grant from the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) to study pedestrian improvement alternatives along Main Street, a Landmark College Connection, and the Old Route 5 Loop. The purpose of the grant was to increase the pedestrian safety and accessibility in the village area. As the project progressed, RSG and the Town focused on the Main Street segment, as this was seen as the first segment that would go through the plan development phase and into construction. Issues arising during project development included the overall typical section, right-of-way easements, relocation of utilities, and the need for stormwater improvements. In addition, the Town wanted to maintain existing on-street parking. This project also included investigations into the town taking jurisdiction over a portion of US 5, and a possible shift in the center line of US 5 over a portion of the project. RSG developed final design plans and provided construction engineering services on the construction of a new sidewalk along US 5.